Model Minority.
Uniquely. American.
A podcast by Nidhi Shastri

January 2023
Model Minority is proud to be recognized as an award-winning, independent journalistic podcast.

With over 4K downloads and an audience in over 10 different countries, Model Minority U.A. has been used as educational material in schools and built a community all around the world.
My name is Nidhi Shastri, and I’ve created a podcast to break down the model minority myth and shed a light on stories from the Asian, African and Middle Eastern diasporas. In an effort to break down biases and shake up our views, I'm discussing poverty, race, education, sexuality, and more in our communities.
Hiding who we are and displaying who we are "supposed" to be, has often been a survival tactic for model minorities in America. Many of us feel the need to conform and stand on the painfully constricting pedestal that the model minority myth has reduced us to.
Tune into our long-form narrative episodes to understand specific topics in our communities, and our bite-size Immigrant Tales series to hear stories of adversity and immigration from the community members themselves.
Shukriya, and thank you for being here. I’m glad to have you. And welcome to Model Minority… Uniquely American.
Uplifting voices & sharing stories as diverse and beautiful as our people.
- N. S.
The M.M. Book List:
A growing compilation of pieces written by our guests and sources Nidhi uses in the show! (Click the image for a link to the book or piece!)

The All-American
Andrew Kung

Hey everyone! My name is Nidhi Shastri. I was raised near Chicago, IL. I identify as a Gujarati woman, and have worked in government, non-profits, and universities. I'm so glad to have you here! :] Shukriya for your support!
Model Minority: Uniquely American would not be possible without the work of various musicians and artists who lend their talents to the creative commons.
Below is an ever-growing list of all the artists and songs used in episodes:
Backwaters -- Airtone (ft. Javolenus)
CommonGround -- Airtone
DisEnchantment -- Airtone
Midwinter -- Airtone (ft. OnlyMeith)
Nightrain -- Airtone
NoodleSoup -- Airtone (ft. Javolenus)
QuarkXpress -- Airtone
ReCreation -- Airtone
ReNovation -- Airtone
WuChi -- Airtone
Corona Fears -- ApoXode (ft. Doxent Zsigmond, alexjc916, Martijn de Boer, Javolenus, reiswerk, Jeris, Stefan Kartenberg, CSoul)
Kaaistoep -- Doxent (ft. Javolenus, Speck, Martijn de Boer)
Reverie (small theme) -- _ghost (ft. Pitx)
Anuzzer Reprise -- Javolenus
Americanos -- Martijn de Boer (ft. Javolenus)
Blues for Jan -- Martijn de Boer (ft. Javolenus)
Light -- OnlyMeith (ft. airtone)
Open -- Reiswerk (ft. Leza Boyland)
Mr Sun -- Robbero
Until Dry Summertime -- Septahelix (ft. Leza Boyland, Lemoneight, JeffSpeed68, reiswerk)
Take The Mushroom And Run -- Septahelix
Café connection -- MorganTj (ft. Morusque) *This is our sign-on music*
Scratch_Beat09 -- BeatMachine (ft. jeff speed) *This is our sign-off music*
To the artists -- Thank you!! - N.S.